Things have changed old friends.
When we were young and noisy,
we were put at a table in the rear.
Now they honor us here in the front,
so act with the dignity of our old age.
Don't laugh too loudly and be respectful.
But, do remember how it was
when we weren't.
We laughed at the absurd
and we confessed that we too
were absurd.
We talked about matters with passion
as if they were important.
It was there that we decided
that Education was a profession
and not a discipline.
So, off came the cloak
of that phony science.
And we reasoned that respect is lost
when you mingle
in everyday politics.
Without respect no idea is worthy.
We knew professional practice
but we were babes in the woods
where the real pols play.
We laughed at the cliches
thrown our way
as if were remedial learners
in need of sound bite repetition.
We were a bastion of questioners.
We doubted and were sure of our doubts.
Then like ten pins we fell
to become part of the play.
The rowdiness left and we were
Now, we know that the folks
at the table were
what was important.
Here we are full cycle.
The rowdy table has returned.
And we never need to be
responsible again.
As always with a toast
to the Rowdy table!