Class of '39
Class of '40
Class of '46
Fall In!
Fall In!
Close ranks!
Dress right!
Pull in those stomachs
and stick out your chests!
Show some pride!
Lets look like veteran classes
and show the kids how!
Ready yourself for the Reunion Parade.
Dig out your memory stones and rub
them hard enough
to bring back the old days.
Bring back the big game with Raton
with the cheers and the Old Miner band.
Open the yearbook
and prove that the Shirleys
were not really called the "Singing Shirleys".
Nor were all that Dolceanas Chorus named Shirley
it just seems so in dim memories.
Try to remember without a peek
the honor roll and then
with ease recall
those on the football team.
I'll give you a list of names and you tell
me who dated whom.
List the teachers
and tell one story about each.
Ask Benny whatever happened
to Donald Johnson and
the score against Salida when we
almost won the confence championship.
Get out your grandchildren's pictures and be
ready to brag some.
Go to the memory wall and show me
the pictures of those lost
on this last tour of duty.
Lets talk about a lot of water that
has flowed under the bridge.
Lets compare notes on ailments and
doctors and note that some
don't want to participate in this talk.
And we must see where we danced and
drank beer at 17.
So, at reunion time put on your uniforms and
play our expected role in
the Reunion Parade.
Fall in!
Close Ranks!
Dress Right!
Eyes on The Memory Wall!
Time for the big Reunion Parade!