The looming



There is a special spot in Southern Colorado

         where you can stand and look  east forever,

         west to a backdrop of towering peaks.


The sun rises early over the forever flatland

         and sets abruptly  as the mountains

         reach up and grab, and off to bed, the sun.


The crashing white water of many small snow tears

         become the calm muddy waters slowly off

        to drain a nation’s middle.


To the west elk and bear,

         to the east antelope and coyotes

         I -25 a clean boundary.


To the west coal and timber

         to the east wheat and cattle

         down the middle the Old Santa Fe trail.


A July day warm sun is up early on the Sangre de Cristos

         when the sun is hot and at its peak

         a white cloud with anvil head rises in the west.



When the white anvil turns black,

         bring in the wash

         and finish the picnic lunch.


Slowly at first and then with a sudden

         ominous flash of lightning the  thunderhead

          announces its arrival.


The heavenly waterfall

         drips and then pours

         and arroyos flood in a flash.


This image haunts my sleep

         it is with me in waking daze

         it has become a haunting metaphor.


For to the east the sunshine of my youth

         the west blacking clouds of my afternoon

         of slowly forgetting until my memory arroyos flood

Doug Minnis

October 23,2012










This has haunted me for many years. Trinidad is on the line between the plains and the Rockies. The old Sanya fe train went right through Trinidad and you could look east forever and turn west and see the Sangre de Crisyo snow capped peaks. And the thunder head is a summer daily. As I become more prone to firgtting I spend more time remembering knowing I have little time before I will forget. And the memories are so rich.