Hat Man Two
Top hat, hardhat, black hat, white hat
and campaign hat, I have them all
because I am Hat Man Two.
Old saying is that the hat makes the man.
Not so, man makes the hat.
And the Australian campaign rig
I have on would just be
green cloth if not worn
with the old Maine swagger.
Keep it under your hat.
Wear two hats.
In top hat and tails
and everywhere hats are tops.
My collection does not yet match Hat Man One
but Alden Medina is an old man.
I am trying for additions to my collection
so I can match
and surpass his collection.
First I need a black cock hat just like
Old Andy, the other Jackson,
wore at New Orleans.
Then a coonskin like Davy,
who could have
come from the Maine Woods.
And for balance a big black and silver,
somber in the Poncho Villa style.
Then a British desert pit helmet
so I can visit India in style
and fan myself and say:
"God it is hot."
But most of all I want a traditional
red turban and Muslim cap from Nepal.
These are two that Hat Man One does not have
and it is most appropriate that
the Hat Man Two must have these hats!
Doug Minnis
July 18, 2010