Hands are not a private part of me.
I flash them in any social situation.
Modesty requires no covering.
And who would consider them pornographic?
Even safe when ungloved they
are an old man's curing tools
with ten fold power.
Hands too gentle for sculpting
and too soft for sanding
know your rubbed and polished neck.
Hands responsive to wine and candles,
mark the music.
They light the fire and
fuel the blaze.
They work for me
to please you.
They are yours
and they are ours.
Each touch of the hand
brings a crescendo of memories.
A hand sent invitation to relax.
And like wine
they have aged well
and will last as long
as they are wanted.
Old age brings sore shoulders and necks. It is surprising what hands can do in massage and warmth. I think this was in celebration of a cured "charlie Horse'.