From your hip to my lip,
just a jump away.
Hip, hop and jump for Christmas joy.
Turkey, ham, chicken, pork pie and
giant beef roasts are traditional.
But no one ever serves frog legs.
I'm saving myself for you.
So flick, flick lets eat!
Hop to the table and
let one fly by me.
Croak, croak
I say in timely spirit.
'Tis a time of seasonal merit.
Time to be glad and
give thanks
for this comfortable pad.
So give me a red hat
to offset my seasonal skin,
a sprig of pine,
and stand me
as a froggy Santa Claus
under the mistletoe.
A kiss from you
and you will have a surprise.
Remember the handsome Biology teacher
lost in the Amazon last year?
Well, Merry Christmas!
There may be a prince
in this stocking somewhere.
So give me a try.