

Wild men braying at the moon.

Drive by shooter.

Molesting priest.

Tailhook suitor.

Harassing boss man.

Quarterback killer.

Slave owner.

Wild, violent men.

Mad merger monger.

Machiavellian schemer.

Warrior bully.

Wild men acting out boredom and frustration.

Coping through violence.

Another way?

Ask your grandmother, mother or sister.

Domestic tasks do domesticate.

Kneed the bread.

Bake a cake.

Gentle the day.

World War I?

Make the world safe for democracy?

Bake some cupcakes

Daughter a flapper?

Son a fop?

Football injury?

Bake seven loaves of whole wheat bread.

Depression and despair?

Wash another load of clothes.

Hitler moving through the lands?

Iron and fold.

Neatly put them away.

Beats and hippies?

Make the chili.

Drugs and Vietnam?

Put in the cumin.

Oh! you mad men braying at the moon,

join the domesticated ranks.

Frustrated or bored?

Time to gentle.

Mow the lawn.

Clean the gutters.

Domestic tasks cleanse the soul.

Time to think,

        to reflect,

       to be more human.

Domestic the mad men



I have observed that men have to act out at times. Women seem to calm through tasks. I do not remember writing the poem, just thinking about it. Some ways about old gae.