Come, dance with me.
Let us waltz through life
listening to love's magic music.
The beat will be just for us.
Rhythms slowed for our taste.
Whisper to me directions and
nod encouragement often.
We want to flow smoothly as if one.
Dance of beauty and grace.
Will you tire as we dance?
Tell me when you need to rest.
Please smile as we go.
And laugh when others glance.
For this is our private dance.
A dance together in solitude.
So guide me,
teach me,
listen to me.
Calibrate, adjust,
move with me.
Be my shadow
as I am yours.
Glide gently
across the floor.
And if we err, fear not.
We shall recover our grace.
Calibrate with me.
This dance, our life.
There is a story with this, but I do not remember it. A few years ago I found it lost in the files and edited it a bit thinking of Ginger Rogers and her friend Fred.