Alex’s Day at the Zoo
At last Alex’s day for the zoo
Lions are roaring and preening their mane
Elephants ready to trumpet a welcome
Xochimilco Mexican parrots in their shinny-feathered green
And their friend the pink flamingos from the pond
Nest and bring forth their young.
Dignified giraffes peer down with
Regal dignity as long as their necks.
Animals all ready for Alex
Mischievous Monkeys mock their keepers.
Orangutans, stoic and non-judgmentally watch.
Mule ear deer thoughtfully chew a cud of grass.
Snakes slither silently in their glass house.
Every passenger on Noah’s boat is there
Nature provides Alex with a mirror.
Doug Minnis
September 22,2010
Alex loves the zoo and this was a chance to have an acrostic poem that celebrates her great love. I had a problem selecting the photo as she has so many geat shots. The poem has not ages so I will edit it in a few months. It goes with a book about snow owls