The Many Named Visitor


 He surely has a real name;

     most cats do.

Here he is called Eric the Red.

Next door he is Big Red.

He has a nametag that says he is "Denqzq".

Whatever his name is, he has the strangest

     cat personality I have ever known.

Stranger than my old Willie Bob and Hester

     and regal bearing Mao.

Cat evolution has progressed and

      no two cats seem to have the same personality.

That does limit the possibilities.

He can't be shy and frightened

     like barn cat Willie Mae,

     nor in constant playful motion like Raton.

Nor can he be as curious as Eduardo.

Eric the Red is a beatnik.

He stands on tables and howls.

Even his meow is unique.

It is the howl of pain

     most like that of a young steer,

      at the time he ceases to be a young bull.

He is master of all he surveys.

Survey he does when he comes in the house;

     he does a room-by-room inspection.

He snoops all the electronic equipment.    

He walks on keyboards and breathes heavily on the screen.

Eric spends the night, on occasion.

He prefers the guest bedroom and the pillows.

Raton sleeps with him.

This proves that despite the best efforts of vets,

     cat platonic love is possible.

Eric never lets me know when he is coming,

     nor when he will leave.

He has accomplished the dream of many a man.

He is completely free and loved for it.

I look forward to his next visit.


The celebrated neighborhood cat. He has the personality to be attractive poolside conversation.