Know Not Where or When


 Know Not Where or When


Now? Is it now?

     No, not yet.

Is it soon?

     Yes, it is soon.

How soon?

     Throw away your calendars and watches

     and inquire no further.

Let soon

     be enough.

There is time to watch

     the sun rise again

     and then set into a bed of red clouds.

Plenty of time to listen

     to the song of the hawk and jay.

The taste of good red wine

     is yours still.

Turn on your jazz

     and hear Satin Doll and

     The Shadow of Your Smile.

Walk again in the arboretum

     and wonder about

     the source of such botanical diversity. 

Drive through the green countryside

     and see the contrasting yellow wild mustard.

And as you read of your friends

     in the obits each night,

     steal a glance at the birth announcements.

Rejoice  for those who are arriving

     and weep not too long

     for those leaving.

Watch children play

     and shout and

     steal a bit of  them.

When you wake

     rejoice for the day’s task

      and celebrate its completion

     as you crawl in bed.

Yes, your clock is running down

     but live in the present

     as if it will last forever.

Let not one minute go to waste

     by the counting of  the dread.




Do all old people note the irony of passing time by the accumulation of rubber bands from the daily newspaper? The timer on the micro wave (Oop! there went another two minutes)?