Longing Life


Longing Life

"I want", the language of 

         greed, longing and self indulgence

         bids me goodnight and greets me on waking.


Strange Manta for one who has everything.

         food shelter, friends and good wine

         I want for no creature comforts.


Of course, I would like again 

         the strong healthy body

         of my youth


Oh to be young again,

         but this is not the call of the manta

         for I age with grace..


Not the creature comforts,

         not the impossible,

         nor even something to soothe the spirit.


And yet the manta,

         it is longing for the Utopia

         I dream of as so many others have done.


I want justice

         I want hope for all     

         and I want peace.


I want no hunger,

         no plagues

         or accidental disasters.


Humankind may never

         reach perfection,

         major improvement is enough


We have come some way along

         giving hope for further  progress

         that we will evolve towards Utopia.


I am willing to share my manta

         so more of us can say "I want"

         with a great hopeful shout.


Doug Minnis

October 24,2012



When I wake sometimes I have this mind words sounding with "I want....." I am a day dreamer and have always had a very rich fantasy life. It is as if I am requesting a new day dream. I love it. It is as if I want life to be even richer than it is.