Whistle as You Wait
Young Olaf stood tall and straight
and declared:“I fear not death
it is but the last page of my biography.
Brave Olaf stood on the Cemetary Road
accepting the dare
to walk through.
The moon and sky danced to tunes
played by the wind and leaves
and strange shadows darted here and there.
All alone the cemetery became a stage
featuring a shadow play
with Halloween like actors
while Olaf whistled to himself.
Sitting by the telephone
tapping fingers on an empty coffee cup
waiting for the phone to report the biopsy report,
again Olaf whistled to himself.
Doug Minnis January 27,2013
i wrote this as I waited for a biopsy and kidney function reports. There should be a special waiting room for such frightening suspense. You will probably know the results before you read the poem. I wish myself luck if not immortality.