Easy to find the Gunny.
No DI ever got to Heaven.
Hell is not that bad for
Marines from Tarawa and Nam.
I needed him bad
on that first day.
I was new and
complaints poured in.
The writer's not to blame.
Just doing his job
of reporting.
He wrote what he heard
from flight crews at ease.
Couldn't believe their limitations.
They are profanity challenged,
underprivileged and deprived.
Growing up in profanity limited homes.
Denied access to rich language.
Disadvantaged by lack of opportunity.
Segregated in profanity limited ghettos.
We need Gunny
to mentor these lads.
Special Education classes
and remediation.
Role models from the Old Corps.
He may want a teacher's aide.
How about Corporal Willie Bob Straub.
His grandfather skinned mules.
His contributions were great.
Marine Corps profanity
will forever be enriched.
Now there is some good news
for Gunny.
The instincts are there.
They may not know
how to say it.
But they can act
profoundly profane.
Remember the Tailhook crew
and their behavior?
Yes the instincts are there.
One good DI could.
give them language
to match their deeds
to describe their behavior