Wow, Alex!
Did Ms. Pyrz really give you that word?
That's an eighth grade word.
She sure knows how smart the class is
to give you such a hard word.
Metaphor is even a harder word
than charysalises.
OK. I'll tell you what it means
by an example.
Remember that the warm, fuzzy worm
built the cocoon,
crawled inside
and waited
and waited?
Then it came out
and slowly dried its wings
and flew to the window sill.
The worm had become a butter fly.
Now, Alex arrived in the world a warm,
snugly baby.
Your family wrapped
you in a cocoon of love
and protected you.
Then they took you to school
which is a bigger cocoon.
For many years
you will move
from school to school.
And your parents
and teachers will
and wait
and wait.
And one day
you will be ready
to fly away from schools and home.
at first you will
let your wings dry.
Then you will try them just a bit.
Finally, you will be
a fly away man.
To understand Alex growing up
by remembering the Painted Lady
and drawing a picture of change
is a metaphor.
So when I call you "Alex the Butterfly"
I am telling you about
becoming a beautiful adult.
I know you remember how the
Painted Lady came out of the cocoon
a beautiful butterfly.
Now, I hope you see how you and
the butterfly are alike.