Breezy TZ
easy TZ
teasy TZ
TZ the joke and storyteller
made the Mathematics
period pass painlessly
Not PC today
he made mild gender bias seem funny.
Girls laughed harder then the boys-they had to
He knew he could not teach most
of us boneheads any mathematics
so he did not try too hard.
Besides the homework assignments would be done
by the good students
and that was enough.
The poor students wouldn’t
and that is life.
The poor students would remember his smile,
his hat so politely tipped
and his ties too bright for a teacher.
The good students would suffer a sense
of Mathematics deprecation.
But we all knew he liked us and
in those days that made him most unusual.
Breezy TZ
easy TZ
teasy TZ
Fighter pilot in schoolteacher drag
flew his hands to demonstrate
dog fighting tactics to bored students.
His hobby turned into a class in aeronautics.
There was a war on and all junior heroes
wanted to be John Wayne
in the cockpit of a p38.
TZ orchestrated this fantasy in flight.
The Algebra class was the recruiting station
the aeronautics class basic training.
After school as he worked in his yard
with his teacher suit hung for tomorrow
and when the afternoon sunshine
warmed the play house
maybe he became Walter Mitty.
Fighter pilot TZ
ace TZ
war hero TZ
And why not?
That was easier than
Mathematics to bone heads.
He was wing commander of our fantasy squadron.