The Provincial's Travels



The Provincial's Travels


I sailed with Marco Polo.

I searched Africa with Stanley

          as he looked for Livingston

I walked the Everglades with Bill Bolton

         and Osceola.

I did Europe with Henry James

         and learned to be more mannerly English

         than American.

Postcards, travelogues and maps

         were constant reminders

         of the big world out there.

Indiana Jones added adventure

         to my dull existence.

I asked Sam to play it again

         in my Casablanca bar.

No Provincial had more

         Cosmopolitan dreams than I.

I read of the return to town

         of world travelers.

I traced their journeys

         on my maps.

And yet I stayed at home.

Each day I got up at the same time

         to read more about somewhere else.

Each morning I said good morning to

         the same familiar folks.

There is great comfort in the


Familiar faces indicate

         that I belong here.

But why then was I given this restless yearning 

         to be somewhere else

         meeting interesting new faces?

Doug Minnis

February 18, 2009




I have never been to Europe. I have never traveled much. I stay ay home and envy brother bob who uses airplanes like New yorkers use the subway. I must make up a song titled I AM JUST A STAY HOME LOVER.